Blocking the Hansel Shawl Step-By-Step

Hansel blocking
Yesterday we showed you our hap shawl, edging completed (finally!) and ready for blocking. This evening we've documented the blocking process . . .
(1) Fill sink or large bowl with tepid water and Eucalan wool wash, submerge shawl and soak for 15-20 mintues
(2) Drain water and transfer shawl to towel, gathering into a ball to avoid stretching
(3) Spread shawl out on surface of towel
(4) Roll up towel and press with hands or feet to absorb excess water
(5) Transfer shawl to blocking board or mat and beginning at a corner, thread points of lace edging through blocking wires along one entire edge of shawl, making sure to catch several threads at each point (we used two wires for each edge)
(6) Continue threading wires along remaining three edges of shawl, stretching and pinning wires in place to desired dimensions
(7) Allow shawl to dry thoroughly before unpinning
(8) Gift to lucky baby!