We’d never tried the mobius cast-on but have been intrigued by it’s possibilities so we sat in on Sivia's Magical Mobius class Monday night. Here's the mobius cowl modeled by The Girl. Once we tried it on her we realized what a great scarf idea it is for a baby—no long hazardous tails and it stays on so nicely to keep little necks warm. Our’s was made out of Noro Silk Garden but the yarn choice possibilities are endless. We have Cat Bordhi’s two Magical Knitting books full of amazing patterns and detailed instructions on the technique. We’ll also be offering another Mobius class in the New Year. I found Sivia's hands-on instruction very reassuring since the cast-on and first row of knitting takes a “leap of faith”—then it's so fun you can't stop. Check our website next week for an updated listing of classes for the New Year.